John 1:35-51


Day One

  • John 1:19
  • Day before Jesus publicly arrives from the wilderness
  • John meets with delegation from Jerusalem


Day Two

  • John 1:29
  • John Introduces Jesus publicly for the first time


Day Three

  • John 1:35
  • John introduces Andrew and John to Jesus personally


Day Four

  • John 1:43
  • Jesus leaves for Galilee (Cana)
  • Jesus finds Philip on his way North. 
  • Philip finds Nathanael


Day Five

  • Travel


Day Six

  • Travel


Day Seven

  • Jesus arrives



John 1:35-36

Part of the reason for this narrative is to show how John gave way to Jesus

John the apostle may have seen some of the followers of John the Baptist in Ephesus and other places still trying to be followers of John instead of Jesus.


The verbs show John “was there” or “standing” while Jesus was passing by.

John’s verbs are perfect tense while Jesus re present tense.



“followed” has double meaning:

1)      they followed that day

2)      they followed him the rest of their lives



“What do you want?”

  • Conversation starter
  • Simple question depending on how they wanted to answer it.
  • They could have answered it as if he asked, “What do you searching for here with John the Baptist’s ministry?” or “What do you hope is going to happen here?”


“Where are you staying?”

  • “staying” is the word “menw
    • John will use this word 66 times in this gospel
    • menw is used 112 times in the NT
    • It means “to stay, or to dwell”
    • It is used spiritually to mean “To remain, continue to abide” (John 15:4-7)



Jesus gives an invitation with a promise “Come and you will see.”


They stayed until 4:00 pm



Andrew proclaims Jesus was the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One.


Andrew appears two more times in the book of John:

1)      6:4-9, “Here is a boy.”

2)      12:20-22 – Greeks come to Philip to request to see Jesus.  Philip takes them Andrew who then went to Jesus.



Simon was called Cephas (“rock” in Aramaic).  The Greek word for rock is Peter.  Simon was probably a Greek form of his Hebrew name Simeon.

  • Simeon (Hebrew)
  • Simon (Greek)
  • Cephas (Aramaic)
  • Petros (Greek)
  • Peter (English)








Nazareth had a poor reputation and was insignificant in prophecy.

Major cities of prophecy would be Jerusalem, Bethlehem, etc.



“true Israelite” would indicate one with the faith of Abraham.

“nothing false” is ”doloV” and means deceitful






